About Us
Definition of Envision: imagine as a future possibility; visualize. “she envisioned the admiring glances of guests seeing her home”.
Definition of Create: bring (something) into existence.
How Envision and Create came about …
In recent times, I have developed a real passion for interior design. As a hairdresser, creative styling has been an integral part of my life for many years. This has led me to shift my creative focus from personal care to home renovations and interior decorating.
Having worked with tradespeople to create my own home renovations, I experienced first-hand the importance of coordinating style with functional designs; thus bringing a new dimension to my creative work.
I am passionate about helping others to envision and create new spaces in their homes that reflect the family’s needs while providing aesthetically pleasing areas. Nothing brings me more joy than to see textures, colours and furniture pieces work cohesively to create a beautiful space that exudes comfort, class and of course, functionality. In fact, designing and decorating can definitely be described as “my happy place!”
After years of showcasing my own projects and being asked to style and decorate the homes of others, it was a natural progression to find my place in this industry. I have always had deep admiration for the way homes are built with the incredible craftsmanship tradespeople share while working to bring amazing designs into reality.
Introducing Trade Connect Northern Rivers & Gold Coast …
In the dynamic construction industry, finding the right tradespeople, suppliers, and services can be a daunting task. That’s why we created Trade Connect Northern Rivers & beyond an online community hub designed to revolutionize the way the construction industry connects and collaborates.
Our comprehensive database is a one-stop platform that:
* Showcases Local Talent:
Highlighting the Northern Rivers and Gold Coast’s skilled tradespeople, ensuring their expertise gets the recognition it deserves.
* Streamlines Project Connections:
Whether it’s a renovation, a large-scale development, or a specialized project, consumers can effortlessly find and connect with the right professionals.
* Encourages Industry Collaboration:
A dedicated space for tradespeople, industry leaders, and suppliers to network, share opportunities, and grow together.
* Simplifies Resource Access:
A central hub for sourcing materials and services, saving time and effort for everyone involved.
At Trade Connect NR we believe in empowering the construction community by creating opportunities for meaningful connections, fostering growth, and delivering excellence. Together, we’re building more than structures – we’re building a stronger, more connected industry community.
Join us on Trade Connect NR and together we can build a platform that showcases it all!
Jacinta Parker
Envision and Create
Pathway Achievements:
2004 – Far North Coast TAFE NSW ‘Apprentice of the Year’ in Hairdressing.
2004 – North Coast TAFE NSW ‘Apprentice of the Year’ in Hairdressing.
2004 to 2024 – Sole Trader for 20 years in Hairdressing and Design.
2023 to Now – Home Styling and Design projects.
2024 – Established Envision and Create – Trade Connect Northern Rivers Project.
Click here to view our Project.
Development Team :
Mark and Lisa Russell – Network Media Marketing and Promotions Consultants.
• 2001 Tourism Grant – Federal Government Department of Industry, Tourism, and Resources.
Contract Work for:
• NSW Health Department
• Australian Local Government Association
• NSW Department of Education, Employment, Training, and Youth Affairs
• Indigenous Jobs Market, Mt Druitt (NSW Origin Legends, 2010)
NSW Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR)
Rob Gilliland (Easy Editors) – Website hosting and development Specialist.
• Complete website systems with unlimited pages.
• Shopping carts with unlimited products.
• Professional hosting with daily backups.
• Custom applications and web development solutions.